Wednesday, January 25, 2012

About Me

My name is Kelsey and I’m 18 years old. I currently am a freshman at Northern Illinois University in a small town named DeKalb. I grew up in a northwest suburb of Chicago in a normal house with a mom, a dad, and a sister. I have always been fairly active throughout my life, whether it was gymnastics, dance, or cheerleading. To me, the best part of being in these sports was the fact that I got to compete, not that I was exercising. I never really worried about nutrition or things I ate because I figured I burned enough fat and calories in sports. I am not overly confident about how I look, but I guess I never really cared either. I usually did not take that extra step to better myself. I only was active at practice and never continued outside, and I probably could have eaten healthier too. Now that I’ve started college, there is less time for me to exercise and to keep healthy. Everyone talks about the “Freshman 15” and it worries me because gaining 15 pounds would really affect my health. It is really important for me to be the healthiest I can be while having fun, so I would like to start this blog in order to share my experiences and tips. I have almost no formal training or knowledge in nutrition or even specifics about the body, but I definitely know the basics (stay away from fried foods, keep active, be aware of portion sizes, etc). I’ve have not taken any diet or nutrition classes in school, but I hope to learn more and more as I continue this blog. I have just started taking some zumba and pilates classes at the school recreation center and am currently learning really helpful exercises and tips to strengthen certain areas of the body. It feels refreshing to be working out again and toning my body. Society has pushed on us that being skinny is desirable, but it has caused many problems with teens that are threatening to their health. Many young girls, and even boys, look at their bodies negatively and think they are overweight when they actually are not. Eating disorders are more prevalent than ever and it’s scary to know that many of my friends are suffering from them. Eating disorders are crucial to anyone’s health and it worries me that people are taking them to the extreme. I’m hoping to share and gather information that can help many people become more comfortable with their bodies, just as I am becoming more comfortable with mine.